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Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too

— John Lennon, Imagine, 1971

The Farm was part of the New American Religions movement of the late 20th century. Some describe Stephen's teachings as an eclectic buffet assembled from many religious traditions. Were there unique or distinctive elements in how religion was practiced, or viewed, at The Farm? Perhaps one defining characteristic is that while it held "spiritual" values, the community shunned being called "religious" or "a religion." It accepted self-definition as an "intentional community" or as a "spiritual community." The distinction may seem minor, but apart from legal or tax conveniences, The Farm did not adopt religious nomenclatures such as "church," "deacon," or "minister," It considered everything "Wakan" (holy)—even blasphemy and sacrilege. Stephen jokingly called The Farm a "multistery," or monastery for householder yogis.

Claims and Disclaims
This site, like all websites for The Farm community, is unofficial, unauthorized, and entirely a volunteer effort that has not been approved by the community. The principal creator of this site, since its origin in 1994, is Albert Bates. Creative contributors are many, including the Farm Historical Society, the Farm Archive Library and many Farm artists, musicians and photographers. Material appearing on this site has been drawn from the public domain and is not copyrighted unless otherwise so labeled. The use of this material does not establish a personal or business relationship between the domain holder, service provider, and any authors or creators of this content, including The Foundation and The Farm Community Land Trust, nor does it confer liability for injury or damage of any kind. This website is not owned or operated by The Farm Community, The Foundation, or the Farm Trust. All content in this website is at the discretion of the website's owner.



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